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Factory Automation


Applied Automation Techniques, Inc.

AutoShip is a standalone or front-end multistation shipping manifestsystem that uses bar code technology to eliminate virtually all key dataentry in shipping products. When used as a front-end, the host systemtransfers all customer and product information to AutoShip. AutoShipthen handles the printing of pick tickets, scanning the tickets, creatingthe manifest, passing this information to the host, and so forth.AutoShip is approved by UPS, Federal Express, RPS, and other commoncarriers.AutoShip is written in JAM from JYACC and supports over 20 relationaldatabases, including Informix, Ingres, Oracle, Progress, and Sybase. Itcan interface in real time to host computers over 3270 (including LU6.2),TCP/IP, DECNet, and Netware protocols.

Language: JAM
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 2.3,2.4 Solaris x86 2.1,2.4

Applied Automation Techniques, Inc.
5753 Miami Lakes Dr
Hialeah, FL 33014
Phone: (305) 819-4000
Fax: (305) 819-4001